eryn geddes - ʔaq̓am elementary
I'd like to introduce Eryn Geddes- Principal of ʔaq̓amnik̓ Elementary School
How has the current Covid-19 situation affected your daily operations?
We have transitioned to a Remote Learning model to replace classroom instruction. Families are accessing our schoolprogramming through a combination of web-based platformsand printed resource packages. The elimination of students and staff occupying our building, gymnasium, playground, and outdoor learning spaces has resulted in a very lonely physical space, yet the connection and commitment of our school community continues to exist through alternate forms and experiences.
What positive or uplifting things are you seeing during this time?
The most obvious has been the collaboration that has resulted. Continuous communication between ʔaq̓am staff, families, students, our neighboring school district employees, and external agencies has been an essential component to the success of our programming and a source of motivation during this transition. ʔaq̓amnik̓ staff has continued to amaze me with the innovative and engaging opportunities they’ve made accessible to our school families. Weekly Pokemon Club and board gamesessions, a learning package drop-off parade inclusive of police chaperones, online living room dance parties, seed-planting kitsand whole-school projects, professional-grade YouTube channels, dress-up themed zoom meetings, language and culture learning videos, and door-to-door deliveries of achievement incentives (chocolate bars) are only a portion of the unique things staff have implemented to maintain the connection and sense of community that exists in our school. The dedication, resiliency and success in the face of adversity shown by our staff is truly inspirational and should be commended. And by far, the most uplifting observation has been the students’desire to return to school. The messages, videos, and zoom calls expressing their longing to be in the presence of their teachers, peers, and familiar environment sparks the motivation to wake up every day and do it all over again, or to attempt to do it differently, as we continue to navigate this journey with no determined end point.
What are you doing to find joy right now?
Connecting, celebrating successes, and golfing. Making purposeful connections with staff, students, school families, ʔaq̓am employees, my own family and friends, my pets, and other numerous support networks has continued to ground me throughout this potentially overwhelming experience. We dedicate time during our weekly team meetings to acknowledge the successes we are finding, independently and as a team. We take note of successes elsewhere and openly share our victories and accomplishments with others. If you focus on the positives, the hardships feel less heavy. I am very fortunate to be an avid golfer. Having the opportunity to be able to continue to participate in a sport I love while adhering to the recommendations of the provincial health authorities brings me joy and gratitude.
Is there anything specific you’d like to share, or wish people knew right now?
I want our students to know we miss them as much as they miss us. That their teachers are students now too. Also, that this will eventually end and that we’ll be able to take our new found skills and knowledge and our classrooms will be better because of it. And lastly, I want to remind them to be kind to their new teachers. Caregivers are doing an extraordinary job of navigating a profession they never sought out to do. Virtual high fives and fist bumps to all- keep rocking it!
Hu sukiⱡq̓ukni